Marked Individual USA-L0654

: USA-L0654 X
: X
Alternate ID : Sao X
: X

Sex: male


Taxonomy: Carcharias taurus

Date of Birth:

This field takes a date in the ISO 8601 standard format.

Leave blank if unknown.

Date of Death:

This field takes a date in the ISO 8601 standard format.

Leave blank if unknown.

Alternate ID:


Social Group Memberships

Encounter(s) (not all may be currently visible) & Biological Samples

No biological samples have been added for this individual.

Social Relationships



No GPS data is available for mapping.


Meet the Adopters


Collaborating Researchers

Carol Price

Affiliation: NC Aquariums

Research Project: Spot A Shark USA

"Engaging divers as citizen scientists is providing valuable information about sand tiger sharks including insights into their habitat needs, social structure, migratory patterns and reproductive cycles."

Ben Rinehart

Affiliation: NCSU

Research Project: SAS USA